February | Guidance on Audit Issues Arising from COVID 19 | TBD |
March | Preparation of Financial statements under the COVID 19 Circumstances | TBD |
April | Preparation for Tax Audit and responding to issues arising | TBD |
May | Effective Financial Management and financial reporting for accountants in the private sector | TBD Mandatory |
June | IFRS Updates for professionals | TBD Mandatory |
June | LICPA Annual Internal Auditors Workshop-
Topics: Fraud detection, investigation and prevention |
September | IFRS for Banking and Insurance Industry | TBD |
November | Enterprise Risk Management | TBD |
Each Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is priced at US$150.00.
The Governing Council at its November 24, 2020 and December 10, 2020 Council meetings approved the above Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and penalty of additional US$150.00 for non-attendance of the mandatory CPDs respectively. That is, non-attendees will pay US$300.00.
Penalty for licensed members for not attending CPDs during the 2021 year, please refer to Section 9 Subsection 9.1 and 9.2 of the LICPA Bylaws.
Members are encouraged to attend all scheduled CPDs to be published subsequently.
The dates indicated in the table are tentative and made change.
LICPA members are encouraged to submit EOIs to serve as Facilitator for any of the above CPDs topics where they have proven and demonstrated competence.
Each CPD credit will be communicated subsequently.
The LICPA will accept credits for CPDs from members who are residents of another Jurisdictions recognized by the LICPA. LICPA reserves the right to validate claims of CPDs credit from another Jurisdictions.
Additional information on the date, time and facilitators and any other information will be published subsequently.